Thursday, March 29, 2007

Of Delta Force & Dobas..will miss you !

It has been a long time since my last post...but now I am vella enough to blog.
Reason?? Quite simple..IIMA's Class of 2008 has just finished its first year at IIMA. I am just coming back from my last class as a fuchcha here...though we have waited eagerly for this day since first year registration on 22nd June 2006. Ask any IIMA fuchcha and he'll tell you what this day means to him. that the day has come, looking back at first year, I am going to have lots of memories..some good and some not so good, but every moment I have spent here has been a value add and a lesson learnt (and I am not talking academically). There are so many moments i would cherish and would keep to myself from first year - first day, first week, first term, Section D which is populaly know as Delta Force on campus, Talent nite (see the post below), Tempo Shouts in mess...Summers, the Section dinners, group meets, that amalgamation of engineer in me in this culture to get things done at the last moment, those dreaded MANAC quizzes, my WAC run (yes fellas...i did it, and incidently, it was our last WAC :D)...and what not...

The turning point in Delta Force came when we chose to be the rebels of IIMA and incept a way of life of our own, and thus was formed the 'DOBA' community under the aegis of Gubbara and Gusao Singh...our own style of living...and hence we proudly call ourselves Dobas of IIMA...

We also have a special way of thanking the awesomest fa
culty that gave us so much the last class of every course, one of us would get up to give a senti speech to the Prof and then there would be group photographs...the last MANAC I session photo was the special one ;))

Then there were early morning bike trips..i was fortunate enough to be a part of one of those...the end to that trip cannot be I'll leave that out of the question...

We even had DOTY awards for our section...the Doba Of The Year awards last week...we sat together and watched T-Nite videos...those were days...preparing for T-nite into the wee hours and then some last moment face saving case rems from few learned junta of class...sleeping in the class, chalk fights, challege CPs, arbit CPs, Cold calls, Condom CPs (ref : GoCHo)...coming or rather sneaking late into the classes (though definately not recommended)

All in was pleasure knowing you guys...and as some one said today...
WE ARE................THE DOBAS :))

Section D, Class of the campus !! Keep up the tempo guys !!

See you soon ...The Dobas shall comeback :)